We understand that this giving season is challenging for many. So for those of you who can’t help us with financial support, please consider helping us to spread the word about Raynaud’s in our fight against the cold.
You already know about Raynaud’s, but most sufferers – 90% – don’t know they have a medical condition, and so they don’t seek medical help. That’s 9 out of 10 of the 15 million+ people estimated to have Raynaud’s! Awareness and medical attention are important not only to make a sufferer more comfortable, but also to prevent permanent blood vessel damage and to rule out more serious autoimmune diseases such as scleroderma, lupus and rheumatoid arthritis.
We’re Making Progress in a Difficult Year
We’re making great progress in outreach. Our Raynaud’s Awareness Month press announcement in October was posted at 94 media outlets representing a total potential audience of nearly 750 million. That’s our highest reach ever thanks to our latest educational video featuring our mascot Shivers being picked up by YouTube. To date, over 15,000 people have taken our Raynaud’s Quiz, engaging participants in recognizing Raynaud’s symptoms and further promoting the need to take Raynaud’s seriously.
We are gaining momentum, but, like many of you, we’ve also been financially challenged this