Raynaud’s Member Tips

Raynaud’s Member Tips – Summer 2016

While no product will work for everyone, it's good to know that some Frosties are finding solutions that are bringing them relief. Kristel (MO) is a runner and one of her tips shared on Facebook says she's found that placing a disposable hand warmer (like Grabber® or HotHands® ) along the waist band of her running pants helps

2019-08-26T12:39:03-04:00August 6th, 2016|Coping Strategies, Stories|Comments Off on Raynaud’s Member Tips – Summer 2016

Raynaud’s Member Tips – Winter 2016

Gina (Facebook Fan)  offered a very creative solution for cold feet - a sous vide machine.  These are food cooking water ovens used by high-end restaurants that only recently have been priced for home cooking.  What Gina figured out is that since the temperature is "set," you can bathe your feet in hot water that won't cool

2019-08-26T12:40:05-04:00December 19th, 2015|Coping Strategies, Stories|Comments Off on Raynaud’s Member Tips – Winter 2016