Frostie on a Mission to Bring Warmth to Fellow Sufferers
We discovered a web site called It was created by a fellow Frostie on a mission who has lived with the condition for over 20 years.
We discovered a web site called It was created by a fellow Frostie on a mission who has lived with the condition for over 20 years.
We found an article on Prevention's web site that includes information that we contributed in 2009 to a book published by Rodale, Prevention's parent company, called the Doctor's Book on Home Remedies. The web article is dated 2014, so it's good to see our efforts recycled! Two things covered by Prevention that aren't commonly shared by doctors: First,
Well & Good, a publication in New Zealand, published an article in August titled How to Manage the Pain of Raynaud's Disease. We're always glad to see Raynaud's in the press, and given the fact that this article was published during winter in that part of the world, this was very timely content for local Kiwis.